How to wash white shoe laces

White shoe laces tend to get dirty quite easily over time with regular wear and exposure to elements like dust and dirt. While getting new laces is an option, washing the existing ones can help preserve them for longer. In this blog, we will look at the best ways to wash white shoe laces to remove dirt and stains and restore their whiteness.

Hand washing white shoe laces

For light soils and stains, hand washing white shoe laces using soap and water is sufficient. Here are the simple steps:

Materials required

  • Mild liquid detergent or soap like baby shampoo
  • Lukewarm water
  • Old toothbrush (optional)

Steps to hand wash shoe laces

  1. Remove the shoelaces from your shoes and place them in a basin or bucket.
  2. Add a few drops of mild liquid detergent or soap to the lukewarm water in the basin/bucket. Baby shampoo works great due to its gentleness.
  3. Use your fingers to gently rub the soap or detergent into the dirtiest areas of the shoelaces. You can also use an old toothbrush for extra scrubbing if needed.
  4. Let the shoelaces soak in the soapy water for 10-15 minutes. This helps loosen the dirt and stains.
  5. Rinse the shoelaces thoroughly under running water to remove all soap residues.
  6. Lay the shoelaces flat on a clean towel and let them air dry completely before reusing. Do not put them in the dryer.

This simple hand washing process using soap and water should remove most light soils from white shoelaces. Make sure to rinse them well to avoid any soap residues being left behind that could lead to worsening of stains over time.

Machine washing white shoelaces

For heavy soils, stains or general freshening up of very used shoelaces, it is better to machine wash them. Here are the recommended steps:

Materials required

  • Mild laundry detergent
  • Cold water

Steps to machine wash shoelaces

  1. Remove the shoelaces from your shoes. It is best to tie them in a knot or bundle to prevent tangling in the wash.
  2. Add the shoelaces directly to the washing machine along with your regular cold water wash load.
  3. Use a mild laundry detergent and select the cold water and gentle/delicate cycle. Avoid hot water as it can damage the material.
  4. After the wash cycle is complete, remove the shoelaces promptly and lay them flat to air dry completely. Do not put them in the dryer.
  5. The machine wash process should have thoroughly cleaned the shoelaces. Check them and rewash if required before putting them back on your shoes.

When machine washing shoelaces, it is important to use cold water and the gentle cycle to prevent damage or shrinking of the material. Air drying after ensures they are completely dry before reuse.

Tips to remove stubborn stains from white shoelaces

Despite washing, some pesky soil stains may still persist on white shoelaces. Here are some additional tips to help remove stubborn stains:

Baking soda paste

Make a thick paste by mixing baking soda with just enough water. Apply this directly to stained areas and let it sit for 15-30 mins before rinsing off. Its mild abrasiveness helps lift many stains.

Hydrogen peroxide

Soak stained areas of the shoelaces in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 30 mins. Rinse thoroughly later. The bleach action of peroxide bleaches out many natural and synthetic stains.

Vinegar or lemon juice

For stains caused due to rust, minerals, mold or coffee/tea, try dabbing distilled white vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice on them. Let it sit for 1 hour before washing as usual. The acid cuts through such stains.


Rub a pea-sized amount of whitening toothpaste onto the stain using a brush or fingers. Leave it for an hour and then wash. Toothpaste abrasion assists with lifting stubborn marks on white laces.


After regular washing fails, lay the shoelaces under direct sunlight for half a day. The sun’s UV rays can dramatically diminish the visibility of tough residues when combined with air drying in the open.

Using these additional stain removal tips along with regular washing care can help keep white shoelaces looking bright and fresh for longer use. Always do a spot test on a less visible area first to check for colorfastness before treating an entire lace. With some patience, most stubborn stains can be removed or faded out.

Maintenance tips for white shoe laces

Here are some general maintenance tips that will help keep white shoelaces clean for longer:

Brush off daily dirt

Use a old toothbrush to brush off any loose dirt particles from laces daily before taking your shoes off. This prevents deep soiling.

Replace when very used

While washing restores whiteness, worn out laces may not regain their color over time no matter what. It’s best to replace laces that have become too dirty/gray looking.

Use lace protectors/wraps

Lace protector sleeves or lace locks prevent constant direct rubbing of laces against shoes that leads to quicker soiling.

Avoid wet or dirty situations

Keep laces as dry as possible and don’t wear shoes in extremely muddy conditions if you want laces to stay clean for longer without frequent washing.

Spot clean as needed

For any small fresh spills or stains, wipe laces with a mild detergent solution or try the baking soda paste method, instead of waiting for a full wash.

Following some maintenance and preventive steps along with regular hand or machine washing according to the level of dirtiness, white shoelaces can be restored back to their pristine state and stay that way through more wears. Proper care extends their usable life significantly.

In conclusion, with the right washing techniques and stain removal methods, keeping white shoelaces looking fresh and clean is very possible. Regular laundering combined with occasional treatment of stubborn marks keeps them bright for longer use. Always handling laces gently and taking preventive steps also help reduce the frequency of washing required to maintain their whiteness. With a little care, white shoelaces can remain a viable and stylish choice over repeated wears.

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